Mediterranean almond grower and processor
Committed with the “pesticide residue free” goal
Between the Organic Production and the Non-Organic Production, we are focusing our efforts to be able to be certified as Pesticide Residue Free ~ less than 0.01 ppm.
Plus 2,135 acres transitioning to organic farming.
Almond Cleaning & Hulling for Mediterranean varieties is done in the field inmediatley JUST after being harvested.
24 or 48 hours prior to shell the almonds we add some moisture to the inshell almonds to gain flexibility and minimize broken and damaged kernels.
Due to lower evapotranspiration, more rainfall and a less intensive production model.
Full traceability from farm to fork

Own production

European Union

Our varieties

A French almond variety obtained by the INRA – Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France), the most versatile Mediterranean Almond. Sizes from 20/22 to 36/40

The mediterranean pareil. Long shape and light skin color, ideal for uses as raw almond. Sizes from 20/22 to 36/40

Light skin color and the sweetest taste, one of the almond varieties with a higher content in natural soluble sugars (close to 5%), ideal for confectionary, almond paste, almond cream, almond beverages, almond yogurts, etc. Sizes 36/40 and 40/50

Marcona Type Almond, round shape, big sizes, ideal for blanching & roasting & salting. Sizes from 18/20 to 27/30
Why Mediterranean Almonds?
Hard and perfectly sealed, shell that constitutes a physical barrier for pest and reduce the needs of PPP’s – Plant Protection Products
Self-compatible and late blooming, locally adapted
Higher content in unsaturated fats
Higher content in oleic acid (Omega 9), Mediterranean almonds are a natural “pill” of olive oil
Incredibly tasty flavour
Lower content in linoleic acid (-15%) = longer shelf life.